Information sheet

Information regarding the Heritage Asset

Site added by carla.bartolomucci (25 09 2018 09:42:57)
Site Name
Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga
Via del Convento, 1, Assergi, AQ, Italia (sede dell'Ente Parco)
Description and Features of the SITE/ASSET
Il territorio del Parco del Gran Sasso presenta interessi molteplici, naturali e culturali. E' caratterizzato da paesaggi naturali e antropici, con centri storici di notevole interesse storico-architettonico. Questo patrimonio è stato danneggiato dagli eventi sismici del 2009 e del 2016-2017 ed è necessario affrontare i temi della ricostruzione insieme alla salvaguardia dell'ambiente e alla conservazione dell'autenticità e dei valori del territorio stesso.

Discussion Forum

Participate to the discussion indicating for this site/asset some Problems/Critical Issues or some Solutions/Opportunities; you can use the cards below to briefly write a comment.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For sharing contents, we invite you to discuss issues that point to general categories and to avoid contents explicitly referring to sensitive information. The shared contents will be submitted for moderation by the administrators of the CHeLabS site before their definitive publication.

Problems/Critical Issues (1)
Solutions/Opportunities (1)


Your selection will be added to the list. Next to each topic, a counter gives the number of answers collected until now.

Needs for knowledge enhancement and for technological development suggested by the Experts community

Knowledge enhancement
Hazard Categories 1

• T1 - Seismic


• E2 - Black patinas: emissions of particulate


• E3 - Physical stress: thermal and hygrometric interaction with the environment


• A2 - Touristic pressure

Socio-economic sciences, and management 1
Technological development
Materials and restoration technologies 1
Digitalization 1

• 2D images of documents

Systems and platforms 1

List of profiles contributing to this information sheet

Territorial Organizations, Owners, Superintendences 0
Funding Agencies 0
Technologies Operators 0
Schools, High Education Institutions & Universities And Research Institutes 1
Citizens 0
Conservation Operators & Heritage Scientists 0