The cultural patrimony is at the centre of this system, in order to become the node and the place as well as the heart of a dynamic integration among people, among different expertises and capabilities. This process is realized by implementing the access policies, the technologies, the activity encompassing research, training and dissemination actions within the patrimony itself.
CHeLabS is intended to become a sort of distributed laboratory, attracting competencies and generating excellence, built on the Open Access and Sharing culture.
The sites, the monuments, the historical cities, the collections: a scalable and harmonized network involving the territories, the owners and the administrators of the patrimony, the scientists, the technology operators, the schools and the universities, the entire society. A multidisciplinary context that stimulates the creativity and innovation oriented dynamics.
Today the base of CHeLabS is set by means of a web based platform, where the wide CH community is invited to participate to this dynamic and interactive process.
The proposed survey aims at collecting and correlating the knowledge needs with the competencies and tools from all the operators of the CH sector. The survey participation will give the opportunity to suggest representative heritage sites and to collect the interest for these sites from the community. The outcomes of this phase will configure a possible scenario, towards which the future CHeLabS structure can be oriented.
The initial phase of the CHeLabS project has been funded in the framework of the Project SM@RTINFRA – SSHCH of the C.N.R. – DSU (MIUR MD n. 973 of 25.11.2013).