Information sheet

Information regarding the Heritage Asset

Site added by gianfilippogagliardi (10 05 2018 10:01:56)
Site Name
Teatro Romano di Terracina I secolo d.C.
Piazza Municipio, 04019 Terracina, LT, Italia
Description and Features of the SITE/ASSET
Teatro Romano del I secolo d.C. emerso a seguito dei bombardamenti della II guerra mondiale. Il Teatro risale alla tarda Repubblica (anni 70-60 a.C.), e successivamente rinnovato e nobilitato in età augustea (27 a.C. -14 d.C.). Si tratta dell'unico teatro romano, ad oggi conosciuto, che affaccia direttamente su di un Foro urbano. Statue, ritratti, affreschi, materiali architettonici, epigrafi fanno parte dell’assetto strutturale e dell’apparato decorativo di un impianto teatrale tra i più antichi e meglio conservati del Lazio. Campagna di scavo attualmente in corso; un vivo interesse e l'intenzione di promuoverne integralmente il restauro erano stati recentemente dimostrati dal Soprintendente archeologia, belle arti e paesaggio per le province di Frosinone, Latina e Rieti. [REF: [Image: By MM [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons]

Discussion Forum

Participate to the discussion indicating for this site/asset some Problems/Critical Issues or some Solutions/Opportunities; you can use the cards below to briefly write a comment.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For sharing contents, we invite you to discuss issues that point to general categories and to avoid contents explicitly referring to sensitive information. The shared contents will be submitted for moderation by the administrators of the CHeLabS site before their definitive publication.

Problems/Critical Issues (1)
Solutions/Opportunities (1)


Your selection will be added to the list. Next to each topic, a counter gives the number of answers collected until now.

Needs for knowledge enhancement and for technological development suggested by the Experts community

Knowledge enhancement
Conservation and Restoration Sciences 1

• Knowledge on heritage assets

Technological development
Analytic Investigations 1

• Chemical-Physical


• Multispectral and Hyperspectral imaging


• Optical Coherence Tomography


• Portable Fourier Transform Infrared and Near Infrared Spectroscopy


• Photogrammetry/3D laser scanning


• Acoustic tomography


• Mineralogical

Fruition and museology 1

• Natural interfaces


List of profiles contributing to this information sheet

Territorial Organizations, Owners, Superintendences 0
Funding Agencies 0
Technologies Operators 0
Schools, High Education Institutions & Universities And Research Institutes 0
Citizens 0
Conservation Operators & Heritage Scientists 1